Welcome to the Wellness Coaching section of our online store. While wellness coaching or life coaching tends to be any number of things, Living Intentionally strives to address the issues that we particularly associate with Living Intentionally: A complete approach to living life from the foundational idea that we are in complete control of everything we experience, even when that may not seem to be the case. The idea is to take ownership and responsibility for everything we experience. In doing so, we refuse to accept the role of victim. Taking ownership of our successes and failures, equally, empowers us to steer our lives in whatever directions we are moved to do so.

The idea of self-empowerment is the core. Regardless of whether or not we’re aware of the power of our thoughts, the way we think and the way we react to our life experiences create the fabric of the future upon which we paint our life. Given that we’re going to create our life no matter what, it seems worthwhile to do everything we can to create the best life possible. 

"Get Serious" Wellness Coaching
"Get Serious" is a comprehensive, long-term program that enables you to fully engage in the process. You get 12 x 4-hour in-person, phone or video coaching sessions and unlimited update status/question e-mail support. "Get Serious" is a perfect fit for the client who is creating dramatic life changes and who is ready to make a serious commitment to making his/her dreams come true. To honour such a huge commitment, we're offering this package at a whopping 20% savings.
"Get Started" Wellness Coaching
"Get Started" offers 4 x 4-hour coaching sessions in any combination of in-person, phone or video. Between sessions, clients have unlimited e-mail access with me to discuss their status. "Get Started" is ideal for short-to-medium-term goals and represents a 15% savings over individual laser coaching sessions.

"À La Carte" Wellness Coaching
À la carte sessions are perfect for when you don't require long-term coaching and you want to drill down deep in a single session. You get 1 x 4-hour, in-person, phone or video intensive laser coaching session with a follow-up e-mail. This plan is ideal for clients who struggle with a busy schedule and want to book their sessions one at a time or for those who are really close to realizing their goals and who are looking to wrap up a few loose ends.