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As a token of my appreciation, here is a small article in PDF format that I wrote to assist people with embarking on a path of healing Self and others. I hope that you find it useful. I would love to receive feedback from you.
Techniques to Heal Yourself and Others
It’s my intention to post updates a few times per month — perhaps as often as once or twice per week — featuring articles, videos and insights that haven’t yet been and may not be posted on the site. Privacy note: Your personal information will never be given away or sold to 3rd parties. Your trust means everything!
I’d also like to give you a song that I wrote for my wife. Have a listen and, if you like it, feel free to download it and keep it for as long as you like.
The song was written to say thank you to my lovely partner for the life we’ve built together with our kids. A typical weekend Saturday would find us under blue skies in the park overseeing the giggles and smiles of our children as they explored and played. I wrote the song to capture and preserve my feelings of appreciation and love for all time. The song is entitled Saturday. I sang, played all instruments, mixed and mastered the song. I hope you like it.
Click the play button below to listen now: