November 5, 2010 in Relationships

Identifying Self as the Relationship You’re In

One of the more difficult things a person can face in their lifetime is the decision to break out of an unhealthful relationship. The dynamics that keep a person strongly identifying with the relationship can be incredibly complex and tough to understand. This can make it difficult to get away. And even if you do manage to get out of it, the temptation to jump right back in can be constant.

There are many reasons why we might remain in a bad relationship. For some, it becomes normal to identify the Self as the relationship instead of seeing the relationship as being something that the Self experiences outside itself. Such identification can have its roots in a lack of self-esteem and self-worth, causing a partner to judge their own worth by the relationship he/she is in.

In such situations, I feel the most important thing for the partner in question is to learn to develop a strong sense of Self. This can be a process that takes time, and it may require outside help. Hypnotherapy can be a superb approach for helping one determine where their thinking is defeating their happiness. Energy work such as Quantum-Touch and QiGong, as practised by Living Intentionally, can also have profound healing effects to this end.

When we learn to strongly identify with our true Self, we begin to rely less upon our relationship as a means of basing our self-worth. Eventually, we can develop our independence and happiness. If things within the relationship are strong enough, this can then be a strong basis for healthful change within the relationship. If the relationship itself is not healthful, it can more easily be recognized as such, and the newfound happiness, independence and confidence in the partner can make for an easier departure.

Living Intentionally is happy to discuss your situation with you in complete confidence so that we can create a worthwhile and effective programme tailored to your specific needs.

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