November 20, 2010 in Events, QiGong, Quantum-Touch

Thank you for Participating

To everybody who participated in today’s global distant healing session, thank you!~ I had yet another marvellous experience and look forward to doing the next one sometime in December.

These sessions have been a wonderful exploration into the power of intention and the suspension of disbelief. I have long thought that mass healing sessions were not only possible, but that they could be very powerful. I continue to feel that way.

If you wish to have a one-on-one session with me, I’d be delighted to work with you. You can contact me via e-mail or by telephone at +81-90-6467-0022. And remember, living intentionally involves all areas of your life. Living intentionally is a purposeful, holistic approach to well-being.

Take responsibility for your well-being and master your life.


  1. December 27, 2010 at 12:19 am



    Great blog it’s not often that I comment but I felt you deserve it.

    1. December 27, 2010 at 10:23 am



      Hi, Andrey. Thank you so much for your kind words. I hope you come back often and participate in our free healing sessions.



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