January 11, 2016 in Health, Nutrition, Podcasts, Self-Healing

Living Intentionally Podcast #7

mandala-2-615x615A Discussion About Low-Carb and Ketogenic Diets With Stephen M Brown of The Post-Modern Diet

This week, Stephen M Brown from The Post-Modern Diet
sits down with me and shares some insights regarding low-carb and ketogenic diets. The Post-Modern Diet is an excellent resource for those looking to understand how metabolism works and why any particular diet will either succeed or fail.

You can connect with The Post-Modern Diet on Facebook or via the web site link above.

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One Comment

  1. January 11, 2016 at 8:16 am

    Stephen M Brown


    I stand corrected on the amount of fructose you can handle. I said 150 grams but I should have said 20 ~ 30 grams. That is the point where the liver shunts to converting it all to fat.

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