October 4, 2015 in Events, Health, Lifestyle, Self-Healing, Society

The Truth About Cancer — A New Docu-series

I lost my mom to cancer in 2006. I’m definitely not alone when it comes to having been touched by this disease. As we march forward in our cultural evolution, we seem to be getting it more wrong than right with regard to the toxicants to which we expose ourselves. As the years go on, cancer rates go up. We may not be seeing as many deaths from cancer as before, but the incidence of cancer are on the rise.


The Truth About Cancer is a 9-part docu-series that aims to educate us on the newest preventative and curative approaches to managing the cancer problem. And, as the good doctor might say, the prognosis looks good. I’m excited to see the new series, which begins on October 13, 2015. Best of all, the producers are giving away online screenings for free. I like free.

If you’d like to watch the movie, just click the link below. I hope you’ll join me.

The Truth About Cancer

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