November 30, 2010 in Manifesting, Relationships

Dreams Come True

The last few years of my life have been extraordinary. Wow, what a rollercoaster of emotion! Change has been the hallmark of this period of my life. A lot of it has been scary.

All of it has been good.

A lot of what I went through was related to me learning the lesson of appreciating what I have. I always thought I did a very good job of that, but the universe proved otherwise. It wasn’t until the universe gave me profound contrast that I really got the point. Since getting the point, I’ve worked a lot on gratitude and appreciation.

The changes in my life since then have been nothing short of incredible. I don’t know where I’ll end up, but I sure can say that the journey is proving to be exciting. The changes aren’t finished yet and all I can do is hang on to see where the ride takes me next.

Through it all, one thing has become abundantly clear: Dreams Come True.

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