The End Of A Stressful Week

As Friday comes to a close here in Japan, I’m left with the distinct impression of just how crazy a week it has been. First off, the interruption in normalcy has been quite a shock. And the tasks that have hinted at normal protocol seem to have all taken a turn for the frenetic.
Nothing has been relaxing since last Friday.
One of the most interesting things to look back on is how everything seems to have run together in a continuous stream. It’s hard for me to even put together the timeline of events. It’s just a long stream of either being stressed at home or being stressed at my client offices. And even the moment of my kids leaving for Okinawa is a blur.
It feels as though I’ve been living a never-ending combination of earthquakes, tsunami and reactor meltdowns. What a strange feeling. Thankfully, this weekend is giving me some reprieve as I’ll be doing at least 3 distant healing sessions. The meditative space I enter as I do healing work is wonderful. I’m very much looking forward to enjoying that stillness in a very real way.
May you all find peace at the end of your own busy and stressful week.
Love, Light and Laughter.
trane, trying to live intentionally
March 19, 2011 at 9:14 pm
Hi Trane,
I hope that you will join in from your part of world in 3 days intention wave for clean fresh healthy waters for all. This one I had been practicing for some years and it will be fun.
March 19, 2011 at 10:11 pm
Trane Francks
Hi, Jelena.
I will be participating in the 3-days of cleansing intentions, but I will have to participate prior to the 10 p.m. time you’ve described. I’m usually in bed before that time of night. 🙂
March 20, 2011 at 12:44 am
You now that intention counts not exact time.
I’m happy to hear it.
March 18, 2011 at 10:38 pm
Trane, I have been following and praying all week. You’re tough. Hard to fathom your presence of mind to do distant healing when we all should be offering you daily sessions. Here’s one for you ((((((((trane)))))))).
I read that soaking in a tub of water with 1cup of baking soad + epsom salt for 20 mins. will counteract the effects of radiation for any one who might be exposed.
Have a peaceful weekend.
March 19, 2011 at 7:00 am
Trane Francks
Hi, Gloria. 🙂
Thanks for the wonderfully kind thoughts and prayers. I’m certainly happy to be on the receiving end of both. That tub of baking soda and epsom salts sure sounds relaxing!
March 18, 2011 at 8:33 pm
Stay strong Trane, you & the people of Japan have gone through/still going through so much trauma we on the outside watch on in shock & horror wishing we could help you all.
My thoughts & prayers are with you all every day. ♥
Love to all, Mo x x
March 18, 2011 at 8:37 pm
Trane Francks
Thanks, Mo. Boy, it means a lot. <3