February 10, 2011 in Lifestyle, Manifesting, Relationships

Whistling While I Work

Last night, I found myself standing outside a client’s office at 7:30 p.m. after rebuilding their Exchange Server. With a 90-min. journey home and shopping to do before I got there, it was going to be a late night. This morning, I awoke later than usual as a result and have been scrambling to get everything done.

Laundry. Shower. Breakfast. Lunch for me when between clients. This article. The dishes will have to wait. Sorry, Sleeping Beauty, you’ll have to do those when you awaken.

Part of Living Intentionally, especially when it comes to relationships, is sharing in the chores. With the kids having a day off from school today, my wife had the opportunity to sleep in. I made sure she made good on that chance by taking care of those things that she often does for me as I sit here trying to find the words for an article.

Today’s article, therefore, is a bit shorter than usual. I’ve been busy with living intentionally, pun intended, and trying my best to be the best partner possible. I may not have managed all my goals – note, the dishes still in the sink – but I’m smiling. And as my wife realized she had less to do when she awoke, she smiled, too.

Enjoy the day. Be in the moment. Follow the breath. Live fully with intention. Be Love.

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