August 22, 2022 in COVID-19, Exercise, Happiness, Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Self-Healing, Sleep

Time to Lose that COVID Belly!

I have a confession to make: I’ve been rather lacklustre in my workout ethic over the last couple of months. My so-called fighting weight would put me at about 70 kg (or 155 lbs). I’m just a hair over 82 kg  (180 lbs) currently, so I have a fair chunk of lard to lose. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to being frustrated by this fact, too. I know all the things I should be doing, but I just haven’t really been doing them with enough consistency to make a significant difference. My bad.

I’m not being too hard on myself, mind you. I understand the mechanism that got me overweight. Stress, depression and poor sleep has ensured that I’ve had excessive cortisol, which promotes fat retention. Add some comfort overeating and drinking and we’ve got the perfect recipe for excess poundage. It’s perfectly reasonable and understandable.

I do, however, really need to address the issue. I’m now 60 years old, so I can’t really afford to burden my body with co-morbidities in the face of getting COVID or some other nasty. So, in the spirit of accountability, I’m going to begin regularly reporting my progress to you good folks on the internet. If I faff about and don’t get in a workout that I should, I’ll say so. If I don’t put in the steps for the day or stand enough over a 12-hour period, I’ll fess up about it. In this way, I hope to both keep myself on track and accountable for reaching my goals, but also to inspire you to do the same in case you’re likewise struggling.

As the scale shows, my goal is to hit 70 kg. I’m not going to put a deadline on this goal, however; I’m cognizant that I’ve been carrying this extra weight for several years and it will take some consistent effort to get it off and keep it off. As well as exercise, I’ll need to be more proactive about my sleep hygiene. I’ll need to be aware of portion control. And, most of all, I need to be extremely consistent with stress management. That means doing all the things. Meditation: CHECK! T’ai Chi: CHECK! QiGong: CHECK! All the workouts to trim and tone the physique while burning fat.

Please follow along as I detail what I’m doing. I won’t likely be spending much time filming workouts ‘cuz, frankly, I don’t think anybody really wants to watch a 60-year-old chunky boy sweat. But I promise the occasional photo and updates regarding my consistency.

Much love,


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