November 26, 2010 in Lifestyle, Manifesting

Giving Thanks

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for making this planet a better place. Each of you brings a unique perspective to your experience and your interaction with all those around you cause ripples that affect everybody. Whether you’ve met them or not.

We may have never met, but how each of us carries ourself in our day-to-day living has certainly affected all of creation. And for that, I am eternally grateful. You have done things that have caused me to grow in ways that neither of us can begin to comprehend. That is a magical thing to contemplate, isn’t it?

Although it’s Thanksgiving in the United States, my real impetus for posting this article is to point out that we should aspire to an “attitude of gratitude” each and every day of our life. Aspire to a life of service, of giving and appreciation for everything we are gifted to experience.

Everything that comes to us is something from which we can learn. Be grateful for that. I, for one, am grateful that you have chosen to walk this part of your journey alongside me. Thank you for blessing me thus.

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