Oh, Canada

When I was growing up, I was fairly patriotic. I loved Canada and felt a very special connection with its vast wilderness, incredible biodiversity and beauty. Somewhat naively, I assumed that most Canadians felt this way, especially politicians, who arguably had good reason to protect Canada’s precious

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What Is Harper Afraid Of?

Franke James is a Canadian artist and environmental advocate who was blacklisted and censored by the Harper government over her work. Yes, folks, even Canada gets to enjoy censorship of its vocal minority. James put together a beautiful set of 60 images that depict a stark view

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Learning To Listen

How many of us grew up in families where one or both parents were “fix-it” types?  I know I certainly came up in such an environment. It should, therefore, come is little surprise that the first few years of parenting (and partnering) were filled with fix-it answers

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